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Price Of Fair Trade Coffee Vs Regular Coffee

Fair Trade Coffee Vs Regular Coffee

When it comes to choosing between fair trade coffee and regular coffee, many people wonder if the price difference is worth it. Fair trade coffee is known for being ethically sourced and paying farmers a fair wage, while regular coffee is typically cheaper and more widely available. In this article, we will explore the price differences between fair trade coffee and regular coffee, and whether the extra cost is justified.

What is Fair Trade Coffee?

Fair Trade Coffee

Fair trade coffee is coffee that is produced and traded according to fair trade standards. This means that the farmers who grow the coffee are paid a fair wage for their work, and that the coffee is produced in a way that is socially and environmentally sustainable. Fair trade coffee is often grown by small-scale farmers who might otherwise be at a disadvantage in the global coffee market.

Why is Fair Trade Coffee More Expensive?

Fair Trade Coffee Price

The main reason that fair trade coffee is more expensive than regular coffee is that the farmers who grow it are paid a fair wage. This means that the cost of production is higher, and that cost is passed on to the consumer. Additionally, fair trade coffee is often grown in smaller quantities and is of higher quality, which also contributes to its higher price.

Is Fair Trade Coffee Worth the Extra Cost?

Fair Trade Coffee Benefits

Whether or not fair trade coffee is worth the extra cost is a matter of personal opinion. Some people believe that paying a fair price for coffee is important because it supports small-scale farmers and helps to ensure that the coffee industry is sustainable. Others argue that the extra cost is not justified because regular coffee is just as good and is more affordable.

Where to Buy Fair Trade Coffee?

Fair Trade Coffee Brands

Many grocery stores and coffee shops now offer fair trade coffee, so it is easy to find if you are looking for it. Some popular brands of fair trade coffee include Equal Exchange, Allegro Coffee, and Starbucks Fairtrade.


Ultimately, the decision to buy fair trade coffee or regular coffee comes down to personal values and priorities. While fair trade coffee is more expensive, it supports small-scale farmers and helps to ensure that the coffee industry is sustainable. Regular coffee is more affordable and widely available, but it may not be produced in an ethically or environmentally responsible way. By making an informed choice, you can support the coffee industry in a way that aligns with your values.

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