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Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee Season 1 Episode 8

Jerry Seinfeld Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee

Jerry Seinfeld Takes Larry David for a Ride in a 1952 VW Bug

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is a web series created, directed, and hosted by Jerry Seinfeld. The show premiered on July 19, 2012, and has since released 11 seasons featuring various comedians. In season 1 episode 8, Jerry takes his good friend, and fellow comedian, Larry David for a ride in a 1952 VW Bug.

The episode starts with Jerry picking up Larry in the vintage car. They start talking about the car and how it reminds Larry of his childhood. Jerry then asks Larry how he got started in comedy, and Larry shares his story of how he quit his job as a writer and took up stand-up comedy.

1952 Vw Bug

The Car

The 1952 VW Bug is a classic car that was manufactured by Volkswagen. It is a two-door, rear-engine car that was produced from 1938 until 2003. The car is known for its unique design and reliability. It was popular in the 1950s and 1960s and was often used as a family car.

The car that Jerry and Larry ride in is in excellent condition, and they both admire its design and features. Jerry tells Larry that he bought the car from a collector in California and that it took him a lot of effort to restore it to its original condition.

Jerry Seinfeld And Larry David

The Conversation

As they drive around in the car, Jerry and Larry talk about various topics, including their experiences as comedians, their personal lives, and their mutual love for the city of New York. They also discuss their work on the hit TV show, Seinfeld, which they co-created and starred in.

The conversation between Jerry and Larry is witty, insightful, and hilarious. They both have a great sense of humor, and their chemistry is evident throughout the episode. Fans of Seinfeld will enjoy the episode as they get a glimpse into the minds of the two creators of the show.

The Coffee

As with every episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, Jerry and Larry stop at a coffee shop to get a cup of coffee. In this episode, they stop at a small coffee shop in Los Angeles, where they both order black coffee. They talk about the coffee and the history of the shop, and Jerry even jokes about the size of the coffee cups.

The Conclusion

The episode ends with Jerry and Larry driving back to Larry's house. They both get out of the car and say their goodbyes. Jerry thanks Larry for coming on the show, and Larry tells Jerry that he had a great time. The episode is a great example of the chemistry between two great comedians and friends.

Meta Description

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee season 1 episode 8 features Jerry Seinfeld taking Larry David for a ride in a 1952 VW Bug. The episode is filled with witty and hilarious conversation between two great comedians and friends.

Meta Keywords

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, 1952 VW Bug, Seinfeld, web series, comedy, vintage car, coffee, conversation

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