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The Mayonnaise Jar And Two Cups Of Coffee

Mayonnaise Jar

The Story of the Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee

Have you ever heard the story of the mayonnaise jar and two cups of coffee? It's a simple story that teaches us a valuable lesson about life. The story goes like this:

A professor stood in front of his class with a large mayonnaise jar. He filled the jar with golf balls and asked his students if the jar was full. They all agreed that it was.

Then, the professor added pebbles to the jar and shook it. The pebbles filled in the spaces between the golf balls. The professor asked again if the jar was full, and the students agreed that it was.

Next, the professor added sand to the jar and shook it. The sand filled in the remaining spaces. He asked once more if the jar was full, and the students agreed that it was.

Finally, the professor poured two cups of coffee into the jar, filling the remaining space. He asked his students what the point of the exercise was, and one student raised their hand and said, "No matter how full your schedule is, you can always fit more in."

Cups Of Coffee

The Lesson of the Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee

The lesson of the mayonnaise jar and two cups of coffee is simple: if you prioritize the important things in your life first, there will always be room for the smaller things. The golf balls represent the important things in your life, like your family, health, and career. The pebbles represent the other things that matter, like your friends, hobbies, and passions. The sand represents the small things in your life, like your daily tasks and errands. And the coffee represents the little moments of joy and relaxation that make life worth living.

When you focus on the important things first, you'll find that there is always room for the smaller things. But if you fill your life with sand and coffee first, you'll never have room for the things that truly matter.

Applying the Lesson of the Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee

So how can you apply the lesson of the mayonnaise jar and two cups of coffee to your own life? Here are a few tips:

  • Identify the golf balls in your life and prioritize them first.
  • Make time for the pebbles and the sand, but don't let them take over your life.
  • Savor the coffee moments in your life and make time for relaxation and joy.
  • Don't be afraid to shake things up every once in a while and re-prioritize your life.


The story of the mayonnaise jar and two cups of coffee is a simple yet powerful reminder to prioritize the important things in your life. By focusing on the golf balls first, you can make room for the other things that matter and find joy in the little moments of life. So take a moment to think about your own life and what your golf balls, pebbles, sand, and coffee moments are. And remember, there is always room for more.

Related video of The Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee