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The Carrot The Egg And The Coffee Bean Pdf

The Carrot, The Egg, And The Coffee Bean Book Cover


Have you ever heard of the story of the carrot, the egg, and the coffee bean? It may seem like a simple story, but it carries a powerful message that can change the way you approach challenges in life. In this article, we'll explore the story and its lessons in depth.

The Story

Once upon a time, a young woman went to her mother and told her about the challenges she was facing in life. She said that she felt like giving up because every time she tried to solve a problem, she only ended up getting more frustrated.Her mother took her to the kitchen and filled three pots with water. In the first pot, she placed a carrot, in the second pot, an egg, and in the third pot, some coffee beans. She then put all three pots on the stove to boil.After a few minutes, she turned off the heat and took out the carrot, the egg, and the coffee beans. She asked her daughter to touch the carrot, and the daughter felt that it was soft. Then she asked her to break the egg, and the daughter saw that it was hard-boiled. Finally, she asked her daughter to smell the coffee, and the daughter was delighted by the aroma.The mother then explained the meaning behind each of the items. The carrot started off strong and hard, but when it was placed in boiling water, it became weak and soft. The egg started off fragile, with a liquid interior, but after being boiled, it became hard and unyielding. The coffee beans, on the other hand, changed the water and turned it into something fragrant and delicious.

The Lessons

So, what can we learn from this story? Here are a few key takeaways:

1. We can't control what happens to us, but we can control our response

The young woman in the story was facing challenges that were beyond her control. However, she had the power to choose how she responded to those challenges. In the same way, we may not be able to control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we react to those situations.

2. We can choose to become strong or weak

The carrot and the egg both became weaker when they were placed in boiling water. However, the coffee beans used the situation to their advantage and turned the water into something better. Similarly, we can choose to let challenges break us or make us stronger.

3. We can make a positive impact on the world around us

The coffee beans in the story didn't just change the water; they also created something that could be enjoyed by others. In the same way, we can use our experiences to make a positive impact on the world around us.


The story of the carrot, the egg, and the coffee bean may be simple, but its message is profound. We can't control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we respond, and we can use our experiences to make a positive impact on the world. So the next time you face a challenge, think about the lessons of this story and choose to be like the coffee beans. Turn the situation into something better and make a difference in the world.

Related video of The Carrot, The Egg, and The Coffee Bean PDF: A Simple Story with a Powerful Message