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He Put Sugar In My Coffee Without Even Asking

Coffee With Sugar


It was a typical weekday morning, and I was on my way to work. I decided to stop at a local coffee shop to grab a cup of coffee to help me start my day. As I walked in, I noticed a man in front of me in line. He was tall and had a friendly smile. We exchanged pleasantries, and I ordered my coffee. I added a little cream, and as I turned to leave, the man grabbed my arm and said, "Wait, let me add some sugar for you." I was shocked. He put sugar in my coffee without even asking me.

My Confusion

I was confused. Why would this man assume that I wanted sugar in my coffee? I had never met him before, and he didn't even ask me if I wanted sugar. I thanked him politely and left the coffee shop, still feeling a little taken aback by the encounter.

Confused Woman

My Thoughts

As I walked to work, I couldn't help but think about the encounter at the coffee shop. It was such a small thing, but it bothered me. Why did this man feel the need to add sugar to my coffee without asking me first? Did he think I couldn't make my own decisions? Did he think I needed his help? I couldn't shake the feeling of frustration and annoyance.

The Importance of Consent

It may seem like a small thing, but the act of adding sugar to my coffee without my consent is a violation of my autonomy. It's important to remember that everyone has the right to make their own decisions, no matter how small. It's not up to anyone else to make decisions for us, even if they think they're helping.


Respect for Boundaries

This encounter also made me think about the importance of respecting boundaries. We all have different preferences and needs, and it's important to respect those boundaries. Whether it's adding sugar to coffee or something more significant, like personal space, we should always ask for consent before crossing those boundaries.


While the act of adding sugar to my coffee without my consent may seem like a small thing, it's important to remember that it's a violation of my autonomy and shows a lack of respect for my boundaries. It's a reminder that we should always ask for consent and respect each other's preferences and needs.

Related video of He Put Sugar In My Coffee Without Even Asking