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Black And Decker 12 Cup Coffee Maker Filter Size

Coffee Maker Filter Size


Are you tired of constantly buying new coffee filters for your Black and Decker 12 cup coffee maker? Do you struggle to find the right filter size for your machine? Look no further! In this article, we will discuss the Black and Decker 12 cup coffee maker filter size and provide helpful tips for finding the perfect fit.

Black and Decker 12 Cup Coffee Maker

The Black and Decker 12 cup coffee maker is a popular choice for coffee lovers. This machine has a sleek design and is easy to use. However, finding the right filter size can be a challenge for many people.

Filter Size

The Black and Decker 12 cup coffee maker requires a basket-style filter. The filter should be 8-12 cups in size to fit properly in the machine. It is important to note that using the wrong filter size can result in coffee grounds overflowing into your coffee pot, causing a mess and affecting the taste of your coffee.

Filter Material

When selecting a filter for your Black and Decker 12 cup coffee maker, consider the material. Paper filters are a popular choice, but some people prefer reusable metal or cloth filters. Each material has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to choose the option that best fits your needs and preferences.

Where to Buy Filters

You can purchase Black and Decker 12 cup coffee maker filters at most grocery stores and online retailers. Be sure to check the packaging to ensure you are buying the correct size and material.

Cleaning Your Coffee Maker

Properly cleaning your Black and Decker 12 cup coffee maker is essential for maintaining the quality of your coffee. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning your machine. This includes regularly descaling your coffee maker to remove any buildup of mineral deposits that can affect the taste of your coffee.


In conclusion, the Black and Decker 12 cup coffee maker requires a basket-style filter that is 8-12 cups in size. When selecting a filter, consider the material and choose the option that best fits your needs. Properly cleaning your coffee maker is also important for maintaining the quality of your coffee. By following these tips, you can enjoy delicious coffee from your Black and Decker 12 cup coffee maker for years to come.

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