Calories In Coffee With Milk And Brown Sugar
Coffee is a popular beverage that is consumed by millions of people worldwide. It's a stimulant that helps to keep you awake and alert. However, there are different ways to enjoy coffee. Some people prefer it black, while others like it with milk and sugar. This article will focus on the calories in coffee with milk and brown sugar.
Calories In Black Coffee
Black coffee is the most basic form of coffee. It contains no additives like milk, cream, or sugar. It has a negligible amount of calories, which makes it an ideal beverage for weight loss. A cup of black coffee contains only 2 calories. However, the calorie count increases when milk and sugar are added to it.
Calories In Coffee With Milk
Adding milk to your coffee will increase its calorie count. The amount of calories in coffee with milk depends on the type and quantity of milk used. Whole milk has the highest calorie content, while skimmed milk has the lowest. A cup of coffee with whole milk contains approximately 60 calories, while a cup with skimmed milk has only 11 calories.
Calories In Coffee With Brown Sugar
Most people love their coffee sweetened with sugar. Brown sugar is a common choice because it's less processed than white sugar. However, brown sugar has more calories than white sugar. One teaspoon of brown sugar contains 11 calories, while one teaspoon of white sugar contains only 9 calories. A cup of coffee with one teaspoon of brown sugar has approximately 63 calories.
Calories In Coffee With Milk And Brown Sugar
Combining milk and brown sugar in your coffee will significantly increase its calorie count. A cup of coffee with whole milk and one teaspoon of brown sugar contains approximately 120 calories. On the other hand, a cup of coffee with skimmed milk and one teaspoon of brown sugar has approximately 72 calories.
Drinking coffee with milk and brown sugar is a common habit for many people. However, it's essential to be mindful of the calorie count to avoid weight gain. Black coffee is the best option for those who want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. If you must sweeten your coffee, consider using artificial sweeteners or honey instead of sugar.