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Coffee Tables Or Low Tables With Sharp Edges Are

Coffee Tables With Sharp Edges Are Hazardous


Coffee tables or low tables are a common sight in most living spaces. They are used for placing drinks, snacks, and other items while sitting on a couch or a chair. However, many people are unaware of the potential hazards associated with coffee tables that have sharp edges. These tables can cause serious injuries to children and adults alike. In this article, we will discuss why coffee tables or low tables with sharp edges are hazardous and how you can make them safer.

Why Are Coffee Tables with Sharp Edges Hazardous?

Coffee tables with sharp edges can cause serious injuries. When someone accidentally bumps into the table or falls on it, they can get hurt by the sharp edges. The injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to more severe injuries like broken bones, head injuries, and internal injuries. Children are particularly vulnerable to these injuries as they are more active and curious than adults and may not be aware of the danger posed by the table.

Child Injury Caused By Coffee Table

How to Make Coffee Tables Safer

Fortunately, there are several ways to make coffee tables or low tables with sharp edges safer. Here are some tips:

1. Choose Rounded Edges

When buying a coffee table or low table, look for one with rounded edges. Rounded edges are less likely to cause injuries as they are less sharp. If you already have a coffee table with sharp edges, you can consider replacing it with a safer one.

Coffee Table With Rounded Edges

2. Add Corner Protectors

If you cannot replace your coffee table, consider adding corner protectors. Corner protectors are soft pads that cover the sharp edges of the table, making them less hazardous. You can find corner protectors in most hardware stores and online.

Coffee Table With Corner Protectors

3. Keep the Table Away from High Traffic Areas

If possible, keep the coffee table or low table away from high traffic areas. This will reduce the chances of someone accidentally bumping into it and getting hurt. You can also place the table in a corner or against a wall to make it less accessible.

Coffee Table Placed In A Corner

4. Teach Children to Be Careful

Teach your children to be careful around coffee tables and low tables with sharp edges. Explain to them the potential hazards and the importance of being aware of their surroundings. Children are more likely to follow safety rules if they understand the reasons behind them.

Child Learning Safety


Coffee tables or low tables with sharp edges are hazardous and can cause serious injuries. However, by following the tips mentioned in this article, you can make these tables safer and reduce the risk of injuries. Remember to choose tables with rounded edges, add corner protectors, keep the table away from high traffic areas, and teach your children to be careful. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy your coffee table without worrying about the safety of your loved ones.

Related video of Coffee Tables Or Low Tables With Sharp Edges Are Hazardous